Lakeshore Solar

On and Off Grid Solar Electric Systems and Installations

What we do


Lakeshore Solar is a company intending to install solar panels for apartment communities, focusing on providing electric power for the business office and common spaces.  I have been in the apartment business for more than a decade with endeavors focused on marketing and information technology.  In this case, our target customer are the executives of large apartment companies and REITs.  Typical customers would be executives of companies like,,,, etc.  We will generally go and visit potential customers, and the web site is primarily to reinforce the sales pitch which is:

  1. Global warming and man-made environmental changes are a big deal.
  2. Use of solar energy is probably the biggest impact that you can have to impact these environmental challenges
  3. Your renters will see you as environmentally progressive.
  4. Solar energy is becoming more cost effective over time.
  5. The great news is that solar energy likely has a better return on investment (IRR) than the apartment company’s core assets (the apartments themselves).

Your investors will be happy.

Ted Talk – The Case for Optimism on Climate Change

Tesla Powerwall Debut